Monday, 16 June 2008

Mind Technology

It was the 29th day of November 2007, I was quite nervous from the early in morning. Handful amount of spiceless pasta were moving in my stomach but in my mind rapid hurricane of thoughts were bolwing , ''what if i can't remember,they will think me i am lier,they will laugh at me.'' These sentences were killing me but still I had one inner power of hope, blasse of My Guru and love of my family. I became ready with almost empty belly, slight trembling body and Nepali national dress Daura Suruwal.
100 words were collected from all the visitors. They wrote one word in a piece of a paper and put on a box. Erika Nikander,anchor for the programme yelled '' Ladies and Gentalmen the most interested part of the International Day (programme name) is being started in a minute please take your seat in B-lobby.In this programme Sushil is going to Remember 100 english words just by hearing once'' The time came, i am called on the stage

Johanna Ylimys, one of my clssemate start to read the words from computer.It was visible in projector for the audience.She used to say 1- umbrella, 2-computer,3,4,5.....100. I had to memorize every word and number together and later had to say, when the audiences ask.I was in deep concentration.I didnt see anything just one word and one number, again one word and one number.In this way she finished 100 words. My heart beat ovbiously doubled, dried tongue and lips.

Then audience started to ask the number. What was in 47 Simon from Nigeria asked from back of the audience? I replied-Harry Tuomola(Lecture).In 19?.....Car.In 5-baby,In 2? In 99? In 25?One after another i answered.I gave all the answers except in one word ''Fur or Pur'' because i had already said that i did not understand the word. I would not answer it.
The 100 words finished.I took long breath shhhhhhh.....Every one stood up and gave a beautiful sound of hands in the succession of the programme.I was very very very happy at that moment because it was my first Mind technology programme and also Introduction programme in HAMK University of Applied sciences. The day after the programme, Valkeakoski Sanomat (Popular tobloid) in this area published my News placing in Ear Panel in the right corner.It was my first time being Published in Finnish News paper.